Blog Posts

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dirty Santa with a Twist

On Christmas Eve, my family plays the game Dirty Santa as part of our gift exchanges! If you have never played or heard of Dirty Santa, basically everyone brings a gift and everyone draws a number to determine the order the gifts are taken. However, if someone takes a gift you want, you get a chance to steal from them. It's a fun game to play, but this year, I'm excited because we decided to play the game with a little twist!

Examples to print, cut, and put in the bucket for drawing:
Person with the longest hair!
Person to your left
Person to your right
Person who is holding a gift with the most red on it
Person with the smallest gift
Person with the biggest gift
Person with the biggest smile!
Person wearing a red shirt
Person wearing a green shirt
Person whose b-day is the closest to Christmas
Person wearing a hat
Person wearing plaid
Person holding a gift with a reindeer on it
Person holding a gift with a snowman on it
Person holding a gift in a gift bag
Person holding a wrapped gift
Person wearing striped socks
Person wearing jeans
Person with blonde hair
Person with glasses
Person drinking a beer
Person with a beard
Person wearing a watch
Person across from you
Your mom
Your sister
Your brother
Person whose name starts with the same letter as yours
Person of your choice
Person with the best Christmas outfit on
Person who is holding a gift you want to open
Person that shares your b-day month
Person that has a child
Choose a gift to be FROZEN!!!

· -Everyone holds their gift in their hands and passes it to the right.

· -There will be 2 rounds – first round is unopened and second round is opened

· -Round 1
o First person draws a paper out of the bucket in the middle and trades gifts with the person the paper tells them to trade with
§ Example: If it says “person on your right” you trade with the person on your right. If it says “person wearing red” you get to choose which person wearing red you want to trade with. If it says “your brother” and you don’t have a brother, you lose your turn.
o If your present gets traded, you are the next person to draw a paper from the bucket
o If the player loses their turn, the person to their RIGHT is the next player to draw a paper.

· -Round 2
o Before Round 2, everyone goes around the circle and opens their present they are holding in their hand
o Once the presents are opened, the first person will draw a paper out of the bucket in the middle
o This time, they can choose to trade or choose to keep. If they choose to keep, the person to their LEFT is the next player to draw a paper.
o The one rule in Round 2 is the FROZEN Rule. Once an unopened gift has been traded 2 times, then the gift is FROZEN and it can no longer be traded.
o There is one paper in Round 2 that says “choose a gift to be FROZEN” which means you get to decide which gift you get to keep and make FROZEN automatically.

· -At the end of Round 2, you get to keep the present you are holding in your hands. However, if anyone is holding the present they brought or anyone is holding a present that isn’t fitting for them (example: A guy is holding girly lotion) then we move into the Bonus Round!

· -Bonus Round:
o Each person that qualifies for the Bonus Round will set their gift in the middle. The first person gets to steal any gift of their choice as long as it isn’t FROZEN. If your gift gets stolen, you can choose a gift in the middle or an unfrozen gift.
o Any gift stolen in the Bonus round is automatically FROZEN.

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