Blog Posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

What Christmas Means To Me My Love

Hello and welcome to my blog, Love and Good Cheer! My name is Aly and I love all things Christmas, so I decided to create a blog to help share the joy of Christmas all year long!

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm the person that loves when I see the first Christmas commercial of the season or when Hobby Lobby starts putting Christmas decor out in July! When some people make fun of the houses that already have their Christmas lights up, I'm the one jumping for joy! I would totally leave my Christmas tree up all year with pride and listen to Christmas music in the summertime. The reason I love Christmas so much is because of how it makes me feel! It fills my heart with joy, I'm constantly happy, I love giving gifts to others, and I especially love spending time with my family and the traditions we share!

I hope that I can bring love and good cheer to all you Christmas lovers year round!

My love, Ryan, and I Christmas 2012

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